Exploration & description/Cattle responsibilities

In order to establish the proportions of homestead members that were involved in each of the cattle activities (Question 5 in CS11Quest2) we need to first count the numbers of homestead members involved for each activity. 

As the different activities for each member are stored in different fields in CS11Data2b we first need to stack them into single activity columns. We can do this in GenStat by using Spread → Manipulate → Stack... and then completing the dialog box alongside to produce a spreadsheet with columns which have been renamed Purchase, Selling etc. preceded by the factor 'Source' with levels 1 to 5 relating to family member category. 

Following Stats → Summary Statistics → Frequency Tables... and producing 2-way tables for Source by each activity in turn we can derive a series of frequencies, as shown below for breeding.







1 55  109  164
2 153  11  164
3 163  164
4 164 0 164
5 163 164
Count 698 122 820